Monday, July 5, 2010

Thrift Store Find of the Day

I tried so hard to think of a reason to bring this into my life. In the end, a picture is really all that's necessary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those bears tell a very interesting story. I mean, it's obvious the mother bear runs the family. Why would a a boy cub wear that silly little hat and bow tie? It's called rebellion! Even little children don't want to wear crap like that. I suspect she puts a little something in his oatmeal every Nyquil. And look at father bear. He's the only one FROWNING. It's probably because he knows he has lost all control over his family/ his life. I'm pretty sure he has been plotting a way to take his son and flee his oppressive life under his wife's thumb. Basically, this coat rack tells a male version of a lifetime movie.