Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh August.

"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address." You've Got Mail

I will always always associate August with new beginnings. Possibly more so than springtime and definitely more than New Year's. In August I get the itch to start something new, to revamp my routines. To buy new colored pencils and take on crafty projects. To navigate the messy, picked-over aisles of folders and glue sticks in search of something new and bright to make me want to be organized and on top of everything once again.

If new trapper-keepers and locker combinations don't get your heart racing anymore, you'll be happy to know that August hosts many other worthy reasons for excitement. It happens to be Romance Awareness Month, National Picnic Month, and Admit You're Happy Month. So head outside with blanket and basket in tow. Lie in the grass and admit that you have it good. And bring along someone kind of special, you know, if you feel the urge. Annnnd...if you do all this tomorrow (August 6) go barefoot in recognition of National Wiggle Your Toes Day.

~Stephen Frykholm, Herman Miller Summer Picnic August 5, 1977~

1 comment:

Daniel Powell said...

Haha, I enjoyed your comment on Elvis. Also your You've Got Mail reference. All I've got to say is.....SHE HAD TO BE!! SHE HAD TO BE!
And I feel much better now.