Summertime is here, and that means great live music in abundance. Sadly though, almost all of these shows require a bit of travel, and travel requires tanks of extremely pricey gas. So even though one of my favorite
bands was playing at one of my favorite
venues this weekend, I opted to play it cheap and find adventures here in town.
I finally visited the
local art museum, and while the flashy Egyptian exhibit was impressive, I was drawn mostly to two smaller galleries upstairs. One displayed the amazing photographs from Constantine Manos' book,
"A Greek Portfolio." The other was a small collection of etchings by Alfred Hutty depicting Charleston and various lowcountry beauty. Hutty arrived in Charleston in 1919 and immediately sent his wife the message, "Come Quickly. Have Found Heaven." Oh Al. I know exactly how you feel.
In addition to the museum, I fought off the triple-digit heat by lounging in the pool, hopping from one air conditioned boutique to another, and grabbing gigantic iced mochas from Adriana's. I also realized that Publix commercials will make me tear up for the rest of my life (have you seen the new Father's Day one? I'm such a sap), and that I could probably spend entire Sunday mornings in bed (and probably would if the sun didn't come out).
It was a good weekend. But that doesn't mean I'm not willing to travel for some of the good music happening this summer. Who's with me?