Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Summer Storms. mmmmmm.

There is the most magnificent thunderstorm happening outside right now. I LOVE thunderstorms. Nothing can really live up to a good storm in the mountains, but this one right now in the middle of this city comes pretty close.

I was supposed to work an outside event tonight, which ended up being canceled, but it gave me the opportunity to witness the energy of the storm gather, to smell the first cool drops hit the dark pavement. I've been frustrated lately with my current music selection, and it seems God responded with heart-shaking thunder and startling cracking lightening. The rain is coming down in sheets and my porch door is open and I can feel the dampness seeping into my bones and it feels right.

What to do with my unexpected two hours off of work?
Cloud gazing and curling up early with three good books?...definitely.

Remember, God, that we are the plants in your fields
so connected to the

that you know what would happen
if you did not rain
upon us.

St. Teresa of Avila
(who, fyi, was a badass. obviously.)

1 comment:

Daniel Powell said...

Listen up, you. I'll post when I'm good and ready. And then it will be wonderful. :)
But it's good to know that you're tuning in.