Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sometimes, goofing off in World Market and seeing a silly movie while stuffing yourself with milkshakes and french fries is the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

(Sorry for the terribly fuzzy picture. It's the only one I took, and it still makes me smile.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Thrift Store Find of the Day

I tried so hard to think of a reason to bring this into my life. In the end, a picture is really all that's necessary.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Feels like spring! and I haven't necessarily been getting along well lately, what with 100 degree temperatures and wacky storms. But THIS is a much more acceptable start to the holiday weekend.

My favorite friends from back home are all headed down as I type, and the cherry on top is that I don't have to work Saturday OR Sunday. Summertime bliss....